Friday, January 22, 2010

Let Us Out

How do you know when winter has lasted too long? Well, one clue is when your little boys press their noses against the window and look longingly toward the outdoors.
Look at Itai,

he says, "Please, let me out! I'll be good."
Where is that evil little groundhog anyway?


Tiff :o) said...

Wow, mean dad. Your poor boys need fresh air and sunshine. You should let them out at least once a week. ;o)

Terry Family said...

Poor kids! I totally know what it feels like to be going stir-crazy due to cold weather -- I'm usually sitting at the window looking longingly outside along with my kids.

Stella Andes said...

Meanwhile, some of us look longingly at pictures of Miami or other beach locations!

Us said...

I am a mean dad! Mom, you're right. I was looking at our last vacation pictures recently...sigh. Terrys, how's the weather up there? :)

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