Friday, January 29, 2010


While in the ER a nurse called out, "Jared?"

I turned to answer and saw that she was actually calling for Jared the nurse. After realizing there were three of us named Jared last night I decided to ask for a new nickname. I got such lovely suggestions: Stan, Bud and Kip. Nice. When Kip was suggested I wrinkled my nose.

Registrar: "Kip fits you perfectly! It's short, simple and not very common."
Me: "Wait, did you just call me short and simple?"
Secretary: "And not very common!" Followed by hysterical laughter from both the registrar and secretary.

Ah...the joys of being short, simple and not common. At least the last one can be construed nicely.


Tiff :o) said...

You always wanted to be Roger...that's your new name.

Short...well, there's nothing that can be said about that...sorry, but you are but there's nothing wrong with that. They didn't call you simple minded...they calld you simple. That can be lots of things including being void of all complexity or easy to understand. Just take it as a compliment. :o)

Us said...

I can't believe you remember the Roger thing. I also can't believe you said that! All I can say is you cut me deep Tiffany, real deep. :)

Terry Family said...

Neil says that he thinks your new name should be Kestutis. But Kip sounds so much more creative to me.

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