Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Itai Rules

Itai's transient career goal is to "rule the universe."  He may not reach that goal, but he's well on his way to ruling the house.  Like Avi, Itai has a book of rules that seem to make life a bit easier.

1.  Superheroes make everything better.

2.  "Do not laugh when I am cute!"

3.  The best joke is "put this under there." :)  Oh, and it will be told 100 times if it's told once!

4.  Sleeping is no fun.  "It takes too much time to sleep all night."

5.  Everything is more fun with dress ups.

6.  Don't skimp on the story time.

7.  Save some of the story for tomorrow.

8.  There's always something to talk about...unless there is a stranger there.

9.  There's barely ever room for dinner, but there's always room for desert!

10.  If it's animated, lets watch it.

11.  Always whistle when something important happens, just so I don't miss it.

12.  Let me try it.

13.  We never give up.

14.  Last on in is a robin's egg!

15.  I get to change what I want to be when I grow up because I'm still young.


Heather and Thomas Mann said...

Sounds like your little man has it all figured out :) cute!

Valerie said...

Very funny stuff! Sabrina agreed with the no laughing when you're cute thing.

Where did he get "Last one in is a robin's egg???" Funny

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