Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Itai Rules

Itai's transient career goal is to "rule the universe."  He may not reach that goal, but he's well on his way to ruling the house.  Like Avi, Itai has a book of rules that seem to make life a bit easier.

1.  Superheroes make everything better.

2.  "Do not laugh when I am cute!"

3.  The best joke is "put this under there." :)  Oh, and it will be told 100 times if it's told once!

4.  Sleeping is no fun.  "It takes too much time to sleep all night."

5.  Everything is more fun with dress ups.

6.  Don't skimp on the story time.

7.  Save some of the story for tomorrow.

8.  There's always something to talk about...unless there is a stranger there.

9.  There's barely ever room for dinner, but there's always room for desert!

10.  If it's animated, lets watch it.

11.  Always whistle when something important happens, just so I don't miss it.

12.  Let me try it.

13.  We never give up.

14.  Last on in is a robin's egg!

15.  I get to change what I want to be when I grow up because I'm still young.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Avi Rules

Like most kids, Avi has a set of rules that, if followed, make life a little smoother.  Wanna know what to expect with Avi?  Well, here's some clues.

1.  Food is communal.  Very communal.

2.  I reserve the right to climb on, jump on, hug, follow, and pester any person I like.  Once you have received a "liked" designation you will likely retain this designation for life.

3.  Every environment is to be thoroughly explored, paced, climbed, run.  Every single inch, every single minute.

4.  Fruit-good.  Meat-bad.

5.  Hugs and kisses must be born spontaneously.  Ask if you want, but you might not like the answer.

6.  Clothing is optional.  No shirt, no shoes, no problem.

7.  Water is better than land.  (Clothes may disappear here.)

8.  Trampolines are better than land.  (Clothes may disappear here.)

9.  Furniture is better than land.  (Clothes may disappear here.)

10.  Any unsupervised time means something may be eaten, broken, lost, or worse.

11.  I am not responsible for lost or damaged items.

12.  4:00 am is a perfectly acceptable time to wake up.

13.  4:01 am is a perfectly acceptable time to jump on another person and ask for pancakes and fruit...or hot dogs...or ice cream.

14.  When it is time for bed, it is time for bed.  No playing around.

15.  A little popcorn goes a long way.  Normally all over the house.

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